USB 4 Vn.2 transfers data at up to 80Gbps
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- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 14 March 2023 14 March 2023
USB connections were already very fast and USB 4 Vn.2 is even faster. This isn't new news, transfer rates of USB now exceeds the speed of an SSD by quite a margin.
Those of you who know me, will know I'm somewhat of a nag when it comes to backup. Backup is something most people tend to ignore. I can understand that to an extent, when it used to take a long time. Now with high speed USB and SSD's (Solid State Disks) time to take a copy of your machine is no longer a good excuse not to do it.
I backup my workhorse PC about four to five times a month. I only keep about four since the space on the backup device is always limited.
Backup so when it things go wrong you can get you files back!
Website - Abused by BOT
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- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 28 October 2019 28 October 2019
We took over managing a client site recently running an old version of #Joomla! CMS (Content Management System) (2.5). Today it was compromised by a bot abusing the contact form and sending high numbers of emails. The site was suspended automatically by the ISP and quite rightly so. Fortunately we have been able to simply, as a temporary measure disabled the offending component, we await to see if this is sufficient to stop the misuse.
The problem was caused by an old "contact form" being compromised.
Are you running an old version of a CMS or component on your site that can be hacked?
Make sure your site is not only secure but has regular backups to enable the fault to be isolated.

OneDrive and why you DO STILL NEED TO Backup!
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- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 10 October 2019 10 October 2019
Data all recovered for a client...
Had a call from a client a couple of weeks ago, his laptop wouldn't start, getting a message something like "No operating system found", instant draining of blood from the head moment, that is if you know what it can mean.
Sometimes I can recover data from a disk in this state in fact about 70% of the time. When I can't... Do you have a backup sir? Yes it's in OneDrive, hurray but sadly not quite. Turns out OneDrive had probably not been running on the machine for quite a long time so all new files not in the cloud.
What to do?
Since the data was only on the dead drive, I sent it to data recovery experts. One of the heads on the drive was faulty. They repaired the drive and recovered the data to a portable hard disk and yesterday we copied that back and nothing was lost, this is to me and probably other techies nothing short of a miracle.
All great BUT the recovery on an "Emergency" service was just over £1,000.00. We got the recovery done the same day it was received and critical files pushed to DropBox for immediate access. The £1000.00 does not cover any of my costs which I still have to add, probably about another £500-700.
My name needs to change to Neville "BackItUp" Matthews

New Unlimited Fibre FTTC Business Broadband Packages
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- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 03 August 2017 03 August 2017
New Fibre Business Broadband Package.
Available with 40/2, 40/10 or 80/20 - Download/Upload Speed. Unlimited Download/Uploads.
Includes static IP address, upgrade to 5 IP's available
- 40/2 £35.50 / Month
- 40/10 £37.50 / Month
- 80/20 £39.95 / Month
Prices exclude VAT
E & OE