OneDrive and why you DO STILL NEED TO Backup!
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- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 10 October 2019 10 October 2019
Data all recovered for a client...
Had a call from a client a couple of weeks ago, his laptop wouldn't start, getting a message something like "No operating system found", instant draining of blood from the head moment, that is if you know what it can mean.
Sometimes I can recover data from a disk in this state in fact about 70% of the time. When I can't... Do you have a backup sir? Yes it's in OneDrive, hurray but sadly not quite. Turns out OneDrive had probably not been running on the machine for quite a long time so all new files not in the cloud.
What to do?
Since the data was only on the dead drive, I sent it to data recovery experts. One of the heads on the drive was faulty. They repaired the drive and recovered the data to a portable hard disk and yesterday we copied that back and nothing was lost, this is to me and probably other techies nothing short of a miracle.
All great BUT the recovery on an "Emergency" service was just over £1,000.00. We got the recovery done the same day it was received and critical files pushed to DropBox for immediate access. The £1000.00 does not cover any of my costs which I still have to add, probably about another £500-700.
My name needs to change to Neville "BackItUp" Matthews