Website - Abused by BOT
- Details
- Written by Neville Matthews Neville Matthews
- Published: 28 October 2019 28 October 2019
We took over managing a client site recently running an old version of #Joomla! CMS (Content Management System) (2.5). Today it was compromised by a bot abusing the contact form and sending high numbers of emails. The site was suspended automatically by the ISP and quite rightly so. Fortunately we have been able to simply, as a temporary measure disabled the offending component, we await to see if this is sufficient to stop the misuse.
The problem was caused by an old "contact form" being compromised.
Are you running an old version of a CMS or component on your site that can be hacked?
Make sure your site is not only secure but has regular backups to enable the fault to be isolated.